Small 60 Electrical Services - are they adequate?

60 Amp Electrical Services (foto is a thirty amp service in Tenderloin)

This service is certainly too small for today's standard! The real danger is that the exposed wires are energized. All electrical equipment with more than 50V potential must be protected in a listed enclosure.

The size of an electrical service can play a crucial role in your home.
Click here: is bigger really better?

Electrical usage per U.S. home has more than quadrupled since the 1950s. As a result, the wiring in many older houses, particularly those that have not been upgraded over the years, is insufficient and susceptible to dangerous overheating. Newer homes that have been wired to minimize cost can be susceptible to overloading, too.  If the service is adequate, the next step is to add more circuits. That divides the electrical current among more wires instead of just a few overtaxed circuits. Additional circuits and circuit breakers also provide an increased safety margin.