2021 Pricing

I am a fully licensed, bonded and insured California C10 Electrical Contractor.  I have been a San Francisco electrician since 1987.    I do most all work with my own hands.

You pay professionals not just for their time, but for their expertise.  It takes years to get to the point where it takes an hour.
Service calls typically come to resolution or clear estimate in the first hour. Hourly rates are as follows:
  • Residential Service :$350 visit & 15 minute increments after
  • Commercial, Industrial, Public Works :$400 Call & 15 minute increments after
  • After 8p or emergency: Time *1.5
  • Minimum call: $150 minimum "no tools used"
  • Menu of typical prices 

    Allow some margin in appt times. I normally send an "in transit" text en route
    There is a flexible scheduling discount available.

Experience is an asset that is enhanced by time.
We are troubleshooting experts.