Bidet /Wall Mount TV /New Convenience Outlets

Hourly rate is $300 commercial
$250/hr residential - current rates published at brilliance.net

A  menu of line items:
$500  for new romex to nearby outlet typical  [interior residential] => back to back or open hatchway in wall

Wall mount TV / Bidet install $1,800 typical plus cost of power circuit if needed
[Drywall and paint by others]

Back to back / open hatchway in wall is one method.


Traversing the sink cabinet is another.  
Both require opening the wall to create a passage, especially if there is structure impeding the path.  This will likely be disruptive, dusty and time consuming.  You may need someone to paint and patch.  

The distance / path from power source to destination are the determining factors for typical prices  shown in our Menu
Hard pipe is the other method.